Wednesday, May 21, 2008


**I just want to start off by apologizing for not posting every day like I said I would. You know how life hits start the show**

So yesterday I had an appointment with the good 'ol gyno, always a treat, especially with two kids in tow. I totally bribed them with chocolate munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. Its so sad. I said I wouldn't be that mom, but I totally am. On the way there I was telling Sarah that this doctor was my doctor when she was in my belly. She was very impressed. Then I said that he was also my doctor when Jasmine was in my belly, and he was even Nana(my mom)'s doctor when Uncle Mazin was in HER belly.

So, the exam. Yeah, Sarah was very upset. She didn't get what this strange guy was doing to her mom's stuff. But she had munckins so it didn't really effect her that much. When the doctor was talking to me after the exam, she started acting up. Jasmine too. I got flustered and annoyed, so the doctor told them it was very important to listen to mommy. Then he left and I got dressed.

So, we were leaving the doctor and Sarah said "I be good now mommy, doctor said" So great child! I tell you to be good every 15 minutes, but if the doctor tells you to you do it right away!?! Hell, I should have put a call into the doctor a year ago!

Okay, I totally babbled this whole time. The purpose of me telling you this is the conversation that followed afterward on the way home. She was recapping our events, as she always does. And, was mentioning that she was in my mommy's belly where she grew and ate and slept until she came out. Jasmine too. Then she told me that Uncle Mazin came out of my belly. I told her, no, Uncle Mazin's mommy is Nana. He came out of HER belly.

This got her all flustered and confused.
"No, Uncle Mazin Nana Brother."
"No Sarah, Uncle Mazin is Nana's son. Nana is Uncle Mazin's mommy."
"NO! Nana is YOUR mommy"
"Yes, that is right, but Nana is uncle Mazin's mommy too."
"NO! Uncle Mazin is Nana's Brother!"
"No, sweetheart, Uncle Mazin is MY brother. Uncle Mazin is Nana's son."

She totally didn't get it and was getting louder and louder as the conversation went on. So finally I had to explain it like this:

"I am your mommy right? I am Jasmine's mommy right? You are both my babies. So, Nana is my mommy, and Nana is Uncle Mazin's mommy too. Mommy and Uncle Mazin are both Nana's Babies."

"Ohh..okay...I hungry mommy...want snack."

Whether she really understood or not, I will never know. But its really fun to actually have conversations with her now. I can't wait until Jasmine can join in too. I am sure she has a whole bunch she is dying to get out!

1 comment:

kenzie said...

i like your story. and i like mom's stories, but she doesnt make much sense either.